Dhasa Bishop

Dhasa Bishop's Fundraiser

BOULDER! Let’s support our Lakota Neighbors image

BOULDER! Let’s support our Lakota Neighbors

Join me and help make a difference, please give today.

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$10 towards $5,000

Join me in supporting our Lakota Neighbors! A group of Lakota riders are doing a 400 mile ride to help their community

The purpose of the Ride, which is at the core of the Tipi Raisers' mission, is to bring Lakota and non-Lakota People together; to work, play, struggle, talk and of course, Ride! It is through experiences like this, and through the other activities that the Tipi Raisers facilitates, that we can begin to understand, heal and ultimately reconcile the trauma of America's complicated history with the Lakota people. The LakotaRide also serves as an important fundraiser to support our year-round, humanitarian projects on the reservation, the Gen7 Youth Leadership program as well as Native culture presentations- sharing indigenous wisdom- off the reservation. Riders and Supporters are asked to launch their own Peer to Peer

KGNU covered the ride through Boulder yesterday. Listen below to KGNU’s coverage below:


Just a small donation will go a long way to helping me meet my goal for TIPI RAISERS